About Studio Lagree


Every move effectively combines core, endurance, cardio, balance, strength and flexibility training.

This is the method and machine that has transformed Hollywood’s hottest bodies! The Lagree Fitness Method delivers results fast. The no-impact program features targeted exercises performed at a slow and controlled pace, activating slow twitch muscle fibres to build the long lean physique that has made this workout famous.


The combination of working muscles to failure and eliminating rest periods creates workout regimen that burns the maximum number of calories in a minimal amount of time, and most efficiently develops muscle tone and strength. Best of all, the effective intensity can always be adapted, preventing clients from ever reaching a training plateau.


With Sebastien Lagree’s ground breaking invention, The Megaformer™, a system of resistance and counter resistance is used to place muscles under constant tension and work them to failure point, a key to the method’s delivery of swift results. The machine features various handles, straps and accessories. The Megaformer™ and The Lagree Fitness Method provide a dynamic platform for our instructors to continuously create new and unique workout experiences, constantly evolving and challenging our clients in new ways. For more information on The Lagree Fitness Method and The Megaformer™: www.lagreefitness.com The future of fitness is here!


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Our Brand

Studio Lagree has packaged The Lagree Fitness Method into a unique, studio concept workout.

Outfitted with the latest M3 Megaformer™ machines and marked by sleek modern decor, our airy studio spaces are ideal for fitness. Our brand has been built on a foundation of consistency, which is evident in the look and feel of our studios, the manner in which they are run, the way staff are carefully selected and trained, our class structures and overall client experience.


Our team have worked diligently to define Studio Lagree as a fitness industry leader; having implemented the highest standards for teacher training, routines, and client care. No matter which Studio Lagree location you visit, you will receive the same incredible experience; a killer workout and thoughtful client care.

Don’t just take our word for it


It is without a doubt the most humbling experience of my fitness career. As a former Division 1 athlete who has always pushed herself to her workout limits, there was an intelligence behind the method that forced you into working muscles in ways you never knew you could. The result- shaky legs immediately and soreness that lasted days. I was hooked.”


A fast paced class which is both challenging and unique. A complete upper and lower body workout. Not for the faint hearted, be prepared to work hard and the results will soon follow!

Kim F, Toronto

I really enjoyed the class and intend to make it a part of my weekly workout routine. The instructor pushed me to work out harder and I left feeling excited to come back.


Pina N, Toronto

Celebrity Testimonials

“In one hour you feel like you’ve done everything. I never get bored.. there’s so many exercises. It’s necessary torture”

Sofia Vergara


My wife was going to classes and raving about the exercises and the workout. I was very hesitant but I went with her to one class and I was totally hooked. It was like an awakening type of experience. You have this connotation that you think its an easy workout and there are literally puddles of sweat and I’m shaking in spots that I’ve never trained in my entire life.

Andy Sutton

Edmonton Oilers

I came into my first workout…and I’m saying, ‘This looks like an intense cardio, resistance training thing that I should be able to dominate’. I did probably 35-40% of the workout…it was an eye opener. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Paul Green

Former NFL Player

I have never hated someone more in my life (Sebastien Lagree). I’m actually still sore. I’m kidding. He’s fantastic…It was not your normal Pilates. It was, “work your ass off”.

Courtney Cox


I remember the very first class that I took, I said to myself ‘What in the world have I been doing?’ I don’t think I’ve ever worked my entire body that hard, ever, with any one particular fitness routine.

Brooke Burke-Charvet

TV Personality